Western Press

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Bazat pe o poveste adevărată, Western Press este cel mai precis joc de duel de frontieră din punct de vedere istoric disponibil pentru PC și Mac


Probabil. Până la 16 jucători (sau roboți) concurează într-un turneu de sprinturi 1v1 pentru a apăsa cel mai rapid un șir aleatoriu de zece butoane.

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Western Press Recenzii și evaluări

Review by TheXboxHub
24 aprilie 2018

It may well be the most historically accurate frontier duelling game on Xbox One, but with that comes its own pressure. Pressure that should at least see more content available for the pistol duelling fans out there to embrace, instead of seeing a few minutes of button mashing fun before it all ends. But it doesn’t. And that’s a big problem.

Review by GameSpew
26 martie 2018

Western Press makes for a brilliant and inexpensive party game. Its basic nature means you're not going to get much out of it when played on your own, whether online or offline, but with friends it's an absolute riot.

Review by Xbox_Alive [user]
24 martie 2018

Button sequence games aren’t my most favourite games in the whole wide world and that’s mainly down to the lack of innovation they oftenButton sequence games aren’t my most favourite games in the whole wide world and that’s mainly down to the lack of innovation they often suffer with. Western Press unfortunately makes this same mistake and whilst it can be fun at times there just isn’t enough to keep you satisfied and you end up becoming bored quite quickly. In order to keep a game like this relevant you have to have a decent amount of content and unfortunately Western Press just doesn’t have enough content for you to sink your teeth into. This is a shame because the gameplay can be really fun at times and I especially found this to be the case when playing with friends because each game was different in a way. Playing against the bots doesn’t have the same effect though because each bot pretty much plays the same way and this can make things become a bit of a chore. Another problem that’s evident when playing the game in single player is its lack of challenge. I was near enough able to complete the challenges in almost my first try and the only trouble I had was the last level but it still only took me a few goes to complete that level as well. Without a doubt my favourite thing about the game were the characters that were present. Each character has its own unique side to them and if you’re not satisfied with the characters that are already present then you can always create your own unique character which is a nice touch. This amount of variety when it comes to the character design is nice because there really isn’t much variety anywhere else and this in my opinion is the game’s biggest problem. I think if the game had more variety then it would definitely give the game some more replayabilty and it would have kept things a bit more fresh for a little longer. One of my favourite things about the game was definitely the presentation side of the game. Visually the game has a good look to it and they’ve done a good job of radiating a western theme throughout, and that’s also the case when it comes to the sound design as well. At the end of the day Western Press isn’t particularly a bad game it’s just not a very fun game most of the time and nothing much really stands out. The game does have a few good ideas but these are quickly forgotten because the lack of content and lack of variety become evident almost immediately and the little bit of fun factor it does have quickly drifts away which means I can’t fully recommend this game to you.

Review by Xbox Tavern
22 martie 2018

Western Press is far too repetitive and far too short for its own good. The game does indeed dish up some unique locations and interesting characters, but the gameplay loop remains the same throughout the entirety of play, rapidly becoming dull and boring as a result. Marginally fun in short bursts, but this has no hope whatsoever in the long run.

Review by CGMagazine
11 iulie 2016

Western Press is a great party game for those with friends who want a challenge and are sick of playing Mario Party 2 (the only good one.) It’s fun, exciting, tense, and has a ton of indie charm. For a good time that won’t cost a lot, it’s definitely worth checking out.

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Informații despre joc
Data lansării 21 aprilie 2016
Editor Bandit-1, Surprise Attack Games
Conținut evaluat E (Everyone)
Moduri de joc Un singur jucător, Multiplayer
Perspective ale jucătorilor Vedere laterală
Genuri Indie
Teme Acțiune
Platforme PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Xbox One