The Perils of Man

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Imagine getting a glimpse into the secret clockwork of the universe. Imagine a machine that can crack the code of destiny and give you the power to tinker with fate. Imagine discovering that for generations your family has concealed this power from the outside world.

Ana Eberling may only be a teenager, but she is about to confront the biggest questions of life as she tries to solve the mystery of her father Max Eberling, a rogue scientist who vanished when she was just a little girl.

Perils of Man is the result of a collaboration between ex-LucasArts’ Bill Tiller and Gene Mocsy and Swiss developing studio IF Games to reboot the beloved classic graphic adventure game with striking 3D animations, challenging puzzles and a moving story that will leave you pondering its profound implications.

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The Perils of Man Recenzii și evaluări

Review by BSim500 [user]
May 12, 2016

Overall The Perils Of Man is a decent game. It has a great plot and the puzzles actually make sense. The dimensional Risk Atlas "visionOverall The Perils Of Man is a decent game. It has a great plot and the puzzles actually make sense. The dimensional Risk Atlas "vision enhancement" mechanic worked well. It's relatively bug free, and the soundtrack and ambient soundscapes are well done. Voice acting & graphics aren't the best but they're also far from the worst. This is one of those enjoyable "light" adventure games like The Inner World where it can be played by adults without it feeling childish, but also enjoyed by younger players without being too taxing. Yes it's short, but overall it's very enjoyable and well worth it for the story. A realistic honest non-troll score would be 7-8 out of 10.Ignore the absurd 40-50% "professional" critic scores. Every time a good "lightweight" adventure game comes out, the same suspects of the same publications sulk and vote it 20-30% lower than user scores simply because point & click adventures aren't the reviewer's favorite genre or on the back of silly game mechanic expectations (eg, 'demanding' branching story-lines that would make no sense given an intentionally short linear plot). If people are giving "grudge scores" over its 5-6 hours game length, they need to both get over the fact the game is a $10 Indie (less in sales) and also be consistent with that voting criteria for other genres (eg, $60 Crysis 3 was a mere 7hrs length). There is no "law" that states every game 'must' be exactly 20hrs in length and it's far better that these games are made as long or short as they naturally need to be based around the plot & small development budgets rather than pad them out with weak obvious "filler" to suit the confused "demands" of a few critics.The only serious advice I can give to people new to these kinds of games wondering about the persistent critic vs user score disparities is to try several of them and find out what style of adventure game you like. Then buy similar games based on recommendations by other users of like-minded tastes. The Perils of Man is rated "Very positive" on Steam (again by users not "critics"), so the only thing these 40% "critic" reviews do is remind me why I stopped reading overly-sulky "critic" reviews years ago...

Review by SpazioGames
June 9, 2015

Perils of Man is an adventure game that will involve you with its well-structured narrative and its characters, but it will not give you the same sensations of the great old masterpieces.

Review by NZGamer
May 25, 2015

A lacklustre ending and unremarkable adventure game mechanics may hold Perils of Man from reaching its full potential, but this is still a game worth checking out for anyone who likes a good time travel story with a compelling lead.

Review by
May 20, 2015

The Perils of Man could have been a fairly entertaining adventure, but the good premises soon leave place to a dull and sketchy series of puzzles and locations.

Review by dokterphil [user]
May 11, 2015

This game is made with so much love, and the story is intriguing. The visual appearance, characters, environments, interface, and even theThis game is made with so much love, and the story is intriguing. The visual appearance, characters, environments, interface, and even the marketing is very unique and draws you right in. You don't want to stop playing anymore. Even for kids or non-frequent gamers, this is the perfect entry into the world of point & click adventure games. Please don't stop developing more of these!

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