Serious Sam II

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The iconic Serious Sam brings his trademark relentless intensity to this bigger, bolder, more colorful sequel to the classic Serious Sam: First and Second Encounters! Tasked with rescuing the universe one bullet at a time against overwhelming hordes of time traveling enemies, Serious Sam must battle through thick jungles, murky swamps, frozen tundra, and futuristic cities to bring down Mental and his vile armies. Serious Sam 2 is a shot of adrenaline to the hearts of first-person shooter fans across the world. This is serious!

Serious Sam II Instrucțiuni de activare

Informații despre joc
Data lansării 11 October 2005
Editor 2K Games, Croteam, Take-Two Interactive
Conținut evaluat M (Mature)
Moduri de joc Un singur jucător, Multiplayer, Cooperativă, Ecran divizat
Perspective ale jucătorilor A treia persoană, Prima persoană
Genuri Trăgător, Indie
Teme Științifico-fantastic, Acțiune, Războiul, Comedie
Platforme Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox