Outlast II

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Outlast 2 este continuarea aclamatului joc de supraviețuire horror Outlast


Plasat în același univers ca și primul joc, dar cu personaje diferite și un decor diferit, Outlast 2 este o nouă călătorie întortocheată în adâncurile minții umane și în secretele sale întunecate. Niciun conflict nu este vreodată alb și negru.

Outlast 2 îți face cunoștință cu Sullivan Knoth și adepții săi, care au lăsat în urmă lumea noastră rea pentru a da naștere la Temple Gate, un oraș, adânc în sălbăticie și ascuns de civilizație. Knoth și turma sa se pregătesc pentru tribulațiile sfârșitului vremurilor, iar tu ești chiar în mijlocul lor.

Sunteți Blake Langermann, un cameraman care lucrează împreună cu soția dumneavoastră, Lynn. Voi doi sunteți jurnaliști de investigație dispuși să vă asumați riscuri și să săpați adânc pentru a descoperi poveștile pe care nimeni altcineva nu îndrăznește să le atingă.

Urmăriți o dâră de indicii care a început cu uciderea aparent imposibilă a unei femei însărcinate cunoscută doar sub numele de Jane Doe.

Investigația v-a dus la kilometri întregi în deșertul Arizona, către un întuneric atât de adânc încât nimeni nu ar putea face lumină asupra lui și o corupție atât de profundă încât să înnebunești ar putea fi singurul lucru sănătos de făcut.


Sunteți Blake Langermann, un cameraman care lucrează împreună cu soția dumneavoastră, Lynn


Voi doi sunteți jurnaliști de investigație dispuși să vă asumați riscuri și să săpați adânc pentru a descoperi poveștile pe care nimeni altcineva nu îndrăznește să le atingă. Urmăriți o pistă de indicii care a început cu uciderea aparent imposibilă a unei femei însărcinate cunoscută doar ca Jane Doe. Investigația v-a dus la kilometri întregi în deșertul Arizona, către un întuneric atât de adânc încât nimeni nu ar putea face lumină asupra lui și o corupție atât de profundă încât să înnebunești ar putea fi singurul lucru sănătos de făcut.

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Outlast II Recenzii și evaluări

Review by DRplayer [user]
14 februarie 2022

I went into this game with high expectation, because I never played an actual horror game. The graphics and atmosphere felt terrifying and II went into this game with high expectation, because I never played an actual horror game. The graphics and atmosphere felt terrifying and I was so hyped for a real experience. The graphics and detail are all mazing and scary which made the experience very immersive. The story seemed interesting at first but just kept dragging and dragging on to the point I was just so bored. Some levels were absolutely terrifying and fun to play and it felt that I was in the game, just wish there were more accompanied with an engaging story. The gameplay is simple and also doesn't make sense. You get caught so unfairly and just doesn't make sense. Also, the ending was by far the most disappointing aspect of tis game, it simply ends with no explanation or any sort of completion. Simply lost potential to be a great horror game.

Review by zNeverSleeping [user]
1 noiembrie 2020

---{Graphics}---☐ BeautifulX Good☐ Decent☐ Bad☐ Don‘t look too long at it---{Gameplay}---☐ AddictiveX Good☐ Mediocre☐---{Graphics}---☐ BeautifulX Good☐ Decent☐ Bad☐ Don‘t look too long at it---{Gameplay}---☐ AddictiveX Good☐ Mediocre☐ Mehh☐ Irresponsible---{Audio}---☐ Very goodX Good☐ Bad☐ I'm now deaf---{Audience}---☐ Kids☐ TeensX Adults☐ All---{Difficulity}---☐ EasyX Significant brain usage☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master☐ Difficult--{Story}---☐ No Story☐ Some lore☐ AverageX Good☐ Lovely☐ It‘ll replace your life---{Game Time}---☐ ShortX Average☐ Long☐ To infinity and beyond---{Price}---☐ It’s free X Worth the price☐ Worth it in a promo☐ If u have some spare money left☐ Not recommended---{Bugs}---X Never heard of☐ Minor bugs☐ Can get annoying☐ ARK: Survival Evolved

Review by doodlerman [user]
16 august 2020

I had heard this game is absolutely unfair in its difficulty, but I found that evasion wasn't the problem. The real challenge in Outlast 2 isI had heard this game is absolutely unfair in its difficulty, but I found that evasion wasn't the problem. The real challenge in Outlast 2 is finding out where the hell to go. There are some tight areas, fortunately, where progression is pretty clear, but there are many open spaces where I found myself circling the perimeter or zig-zagging the area looking for the next place I was supposed to go. Sometimes the game loads you in facing the wrong direction. At a key moment towards the end, I was loaded in facing my pursuers who killed me immediately. The game then respawned me in the right direction.Unlike the first Outlast, I never found Outlast 2 to be that scary. It had some pretty messed up aspects, but its attempts to disturb mostly felt forced. Things are unrelentingly f'ed up so early on that each new addition to the f'ed up department feels like a desperate attempt to one-up itself. Also, if you're ever pursued, reaching a checkpoint immediately makes the enemies forget you're there and practically disappear (unless it's a scripted conflict). Also, the consequence of dying is fairly light. You don't lose any progress and you're completely healed (your camera's batteries may also be replenished, but I don't remember this for sure).I liked the atmosphere and look. It kind of reminded me of RE4 and RE7 with a few of the more hellish set pieces of Bloodborne. I think it would've benefited from some form of self-defense - especially considering the sheer amount of enemies there are (especially in comparison to the first game). That doesn't necessarily mean you should be able to kill your enemies, but it would be nice to at least incapacitate them briefly to get out of the stickier situations so that you can get a lay of the land to find your next destination.As far as the story goes, it was easier to piece together than the first game, but leaves a lot more questions asked than answered. The notes may explain everything, but their presentation is kind of cumbersome, so I rarely read them.

Review by SurfinX [user]
12 iulie 2020

The level design of this game compared to the last one, is **** diabolical. There were a lot of levels where i got stuck for about 30 minutesThe level design of this game compared to the last one, is **** diabolical. There were a lot of levels where i got stuck for about 30 minutes because i didn't know what to do or where to go, the main character is way too afraid to fight 80 pound human skeletons cuz he is a **** This game is way too broken. And i feel like it was rushed pretty fast. DO NOT play this game.

Review by MilhouseMeta [user]
17 iunie 2020

As a true fan of the Outlast universe, I feel kinda disappointed about Outlast 2.The game is extremely well polished, and delivers a greatAs a true fan of the Outlast universe, I feel kinda disappointed about Outlast 2.The game is extremely well polished, and delivers a great environment with the creeping audio, amazing character designs and etc. My disappointment is regarding the story-telling in this game.Until the last minute of the game, I didn't have a clue of what was going on. I was just receiving a bunch of disconnected information along with pretty cool graphics, and that kinda made me bored. So many trips to your dreams in the middle of the story in Temple's Gate, dreams that you don't know why you are seeing. That made me frustrated.The game is a well-made horror and might entertain you if you want to get scared for a while, but it doesn't really honor its name and won't be an enjoyable experience for the true fans of the saga.

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Informații despre joc
Data lansării 25 aprilie 2017
Editor Red Barrels
Conținut evaluat M (Mature)
Moduri de joc Un singur jucător
Perspective ale jucătorilor Prima persoană
Genuri Aventură, Indie
Teme Supraviețuire, Horror, Acțiune, Mister
Platforme PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch