Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order

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Alcătuiește-ți echipa supremă de super eroi Marvel dintr-o distribuție uriașă care include Răzbunătorii, Gardienii Galaxiei, X-Men și mulți alții!

echipă cu prietenii pentru a preveni devastarea galactică din mâinile nebunului tiran cosmic Thanos și a nemiloșilor săi războinici nemiloși, Ordinul Negru.


În această nouă poveste, eroii și răufăcătorii se unesc într-o cursă în tot Universul Marvel pentru a găsi Pietrele Infinitului înainte ca Thanos și Ordinul Negru să le folosească pentru a dezlănțui haosul cosmic


De la Turnul Răzbunătorilor la X-Mansion și mai departe, fiecare oprire în misiunea periculoasă de a-l zădărnici pe Thanos duce la ciocniri neașteptate ale personajelor preferate de fani și ale locațiilor iconice. Apropie-te mai mult de acțiune prin schimbarea vederii într-o perspectivă "Heroic Camera" de deasupra umărului - o premieră a seriei care oferă o modalitate mai captivantă de a juca single-player sau multiplayer pe până la patru sisteme. Joacă online*, offline prin wireless local sau pur și simplu pasează un controler Joy-Con unui prieten, pentru ca acesta să se alăture echipei tale. Cu o altă pereche de controllere Joy-Con™ (vândute separat), patru jucători pot face echipă pe un singur sistem! Posibilitățile de cooperare drop-in/drop-out permit jucătorilor să își creeze propria "Ultimate Alliance" în voie.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order Instrucțiuni de activare

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order Recenzii și evaluări

Review by blue-ninja [user]
17 august 2021

Best Marvel Games i played it, Cool char & great story, recommended itMy favourite char male: Cap, Dr Strange, Spidey & CyclopsMy favouriteBest Marvel Games i played it, Cool char & great story, recommended itMy favourite char male: Cap, Dr Strange, Spidey & CyclopsMy favourite char female : Scarlet Witch, Phoenix, and Captain Marvel

Review by Omnislasher420 [user]
28 aprilie 2020

I really wanted to like this game. The whole marvel roster on one game! Sounds amazing, this game just doesn’t deliver. It has a mediocreI really wanted to like this game. The whole marvel roster on one game! Sounds amazing, this game just doesn’t deliver. It has a mediocre story and has an atrocious battle system. I wanted to like this but those held it back from greatness. A very mediocre experience.

Review by Botanick [user]
9 august 2019

After sinking more than 100+ hours into this game, I thought I would take this opportunity be self-entitled and write a review for anyoneAfter sinking more than 100+ hours into this game, I thought I would take this opportunity be self-entitled and write a review for anyone thinking of purchasing this game. Overall, I would say that this is a good game, not without a few teething issues early on with some bugs that could have been ironed out pre release (developers have their deadlines right), but nevertheless a great smash-em-up game.The future of this game depends entirely on the developers next move regarding the introduction of DLC, new modes and new playable characters, to whether this game makes in into the amazing game it could be. Things I would like to see added: - NEW END GAME: whether it be endless mode, raid bosses, character prestige - you name it. The end game currently is minimal apart from grinding every character to lvl. 100 and seeking the best rainbow ISO8s. Give players some real grind to get into.- NEW CHARACTERS: some are already planned I know but still.. get that roster growing (you have the licensing!)- INSANE DIFFICULTY: just do it. - CLEAN UP THE MENU: especially ISO8 and character selection/character inventory. (On that note: cleaning up ISO8 is so boring and time consuming, maybe a select all option?!)- COMMUNICATION: being switch exclusive, this already makes this game hard to bring out into the world, opening up voice chat would be a great way to bond the community that play this great game together. This game is calling out for expansion after a rocky but fun start and the ball is now in the developers court. However, overall, I would recommend buying this game, lots of nostalgic boss-beating for your buck!

Review by RPG Site
5 august 2019

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order doesn't try to be more than it is, a fun romp with characters everyone has come to know over the past decade. While fighting with the camera can be frustrating at times, the game itself is extremely enjoyable especially if you’re a fan of Diablo-style RPGs. Additionally, it serves as a great stepping on point for anyone unfamiliar with the franchise and is accessible to any and all fans.

Review by Game Rant
1 august 2019

Strong post-launch support like this only really matters if the game itself is worth playing, and we can't really say that about Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3. At its best, the game is a mediocre brawler, and at its worst, it is an incoherent mess with a nightmare camera, frustrating battles, and ugly graphics. Anyone hoping for a return to form for the franchise will be disappointed, to say the least.

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Informații despre joc
Data lansării 19 iulie 2019
Editor Team NINJA, Nintendo, Koei Tecmo Games
Conținut evaluat T (Teen)
Moduri de joc Un singur jucător, Multiplayer, Cooperativă
Perspective ale jucătorilor Vedere de pasăre / Isometric
Genuri Joc de rol (RPG), Hack and slash/Beat 'em up
Teme Acțiune
Platforme Nintendo Switch