Joc pentru părinți: < Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition

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Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is a remaster of the original Gears of War game developed by The Coalition and Splash Damage and published by Microsoft Studios for Microsoft's Xbox One console and Windows 10 operating system.

The game features remastered graphics, textures and sound, while running at native 1080p 30 frames per second in the campaign and 1080p 60 frames per second in multiplayer, and includes the missions and maps from the PC version of the original Gears of War that were absent from the Xbox 360 version of the game.

More features have been added that include mechanics from newer Gears of War games, such as spotting and switching weapons while roadie running, among others.
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition also supports dedicated servers for both online matchmaking and private matches.


The story of “Gears of War” thrusts gamers into a deep and harrowing battle for survival against the Locust Horde, a nightmarish race of creatures that surfaced from the bowels of the planet.

Informații despre joc
Data lansării August 25, 2015
Editor Microsoft Studios, Splash Damage, The Coalition, Epic Games
Conținut evaluat M (Mature)
Moduri de joc Un singur jucător, Multiplayer, Cooperativă, Ecran divizat
Perspective ale jucătorilor A treia persoană
Genuri Trăgător
Teme Științifico-fantastic, Horror, Acțiune
Platforme PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox One