Cruelty Squad

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Esate emociškai miręs, kovinių medžiagų prisigėręs "Cruelty Squad", ištvirkusios dukterinės įmonės, kuriai pavesta atlikti šlapius darbus savo pagrindiniam konglomeratui. Ar priversite korporacijos archidemonę didžiuotis, ar pasiduosite karčioms nesėkmės ašaroms?

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Cruelty Squad Recenzii și evaluări

Review by Nadblaster [user]
2022 m. sausio 1 d.

The best gaming surprise of 2021, if you ask me. CS has a ridiculous amount of depth, a ridiculous amount of replayability, great humor, aThe best gaming surprise of 2021, if you ask me. CS has a ridiculous amount of depth, a ridiculous amount of replayability, great humor, a completely bizarre aesthetic and it all comes together to make something legitimately special.The game design is brilliant and while at its core it's a simple assassination-centered shooter it positively bleeds replayability. Pick up a new weapon and finish the level with it to permanently unlock it. Game the stock market and get hilariously rich so you can buy hilariously expensive body augmentations. Use those augmentations to reach previously-unreachable locations in levels you've already beaten and find new things or unlock secret levels. Go fishing. You have so much neat, fun stuff to do that it brings back fond memories of replaying levels in Goldeneye or Perfect Dark to unlock this new thing or that new thing.Aesthetically you're either going to love it or hate it. A friend of mine described it as "both artsy AND fartsy at the same time" and I think that works. The music is horrifying, but blends into the fun seamlessly and only rarely gets on your nerves. Visually the game is a bright, confusing color overload and while you get used to it I think you'll either learn to love it (I did) or hate it, but not both. Finally, I love this game's design because it is a consistent, unbroken middle-finger-raised "f--k you". You will learn to beat it or it will keep beating you. "What's that, you died several times in a row? Okay here's a powerup that lets you eat corpses to regain health. Lol psych you only get 1 health when you do that, get good." The game constantly pushes you, constantly pushes your buttons, and it's so surreal and unique that I really think everyone ought to at least try it. Worth buying at full price.

Review by Hooked Gamers
2021 m. gruodžio 20 d.

Make no mistake, this game is the definition of niche appeal. Its visuals are ugly in a way that is not just visually repellent but deeply unsettling. Its world and lore are in turn, confusing, disturbing, and sickening. Playing its soundtrack above a certain decibel level probably constitutes a war crime. Yet the game demands attention all the same. It's brilliant, disturbing, and endlessly fascinating. I'm painfully aware that not everyone will love Cruelty Squad as much as I do, but those that love it will love it with abandon. For me, it's a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

Review by arostislavna [user]
2021 m. lapkričio 14 d.

A truly experimental oddity that happens to be a game. With some weird ways to unlock the final secret difficulty which I feel could have beenA truly experimental oddity that happens to be a game. With some weird ways to unlock the final secret difficulty which I feel could have been handled better, and an odd money making metagame.Play it if you want your eyes to bleed in all it's glory.

Review by Hecker [user]
2021 m. rugsėjo 6 d.

in age where every video game is basically feels like the same thing with a different skin on its refreshing to play a game that is soin age where every video game is basically feels like the same thing with a different skin on its refreshing to play a game that is so un-apologetically different and weird

Review by Polygon
2021 m. liepos 27 d.

Will you enjoy Cruelty Squad? I don’t know. It’s a hard game to recommend. It feels like it rips mechanics wholesale out of slick, satisfying shooters like the old Rainbows Six, Deus Ex, or Hitman. Except it’s also intentionally opaque, refusing to lend players a hand in deciphering its visuals or navigating its oppressive atmosphere. And yet, I’m still here gnawing on this coconut, because the pain is worth the taste of that delicious joy.

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Informații despre joc
Data lansării 2021 m. sausio 4 d.
Editor Consumer Softproducts
Evaluare totală 88%
Moduri de joc Un singur jucător
Perspective ale jucătorilor Prima persoană
Genuri Trăgător, Indie, Simulator, Tactic
Teme Științifico-fantastic, Acțiune, Comedie
Platforme PC (Microsoft Windows)