Creeper World


Cunoști pe cineva care ar putea fi ca acest joc?


Imagine an enemy that is everywhere and moves like a giant, organic mass across the map.
Imagine your base and your people surrounded by a blanket of crushing destruction from all directions.
Your only hope, well what hope?
Then you take the high ground and pound this enemy into oblivion. You've saved the day just so
you can do it again and again. Do you have what it takes to save your great city and all of history?

Creeper World Instrucțiuni de activare

Informații despre joc
Data lansării July 7, 2007
Editor Knuckle Cracker
Evaluare totală 88%
Moduri de joc Un singur jucător
Perspective ale jucătorilor Vedere de pasăre / Isometric
Genuri Indie, Strategie, Strategie în timp real (RTS)
Teme Științifico-fantastic, Supraviețuire, Războiul
Platforme PC (Microsoft Windows), Web browser