Cosmic Star Heroine

Cunoști pe cineva care ar putea fi ca acest joc?


"3 planete exotice de explorat


Extratereștrii. Roboți. Magie. Tehnologie interzisă. Lumi ruinate. Fantome. Secrete pierdute de mult timp. Conspirații. O amenințare galactică. Și o eroină curajoasă care să îndrepte lucrurile.

Cosmic Star Heroine este un nou RPG captivant de la creatorii cărții Cthulhu Saves the World. "


"Alyssa L'Salle a fost unul dintre agenții secreți de top ai Agenției de Pace și Inteligență de pe planeta Araenu


Dar când descoperă o conspirație oribilă, ea trebuie să devină rebelă pentru a salva situația! Poate Alyssa să salveze galaxia când toată lumea (și totul) vrea să o oprească!"

Cosmic Star Heroine Instrucțiuni de activare

Cosmic Star Heroine Recenzii și evaluări

Review by EvgeniLinuxUser [user]
21 iunie 2020

Simple and perky non-Japanese JRPG. Space opera from 70th. Do not dig for a deep meanings here — just relax. There is an unoffocial betaSimple and perky non-Japanese JRPG. Space opera from 70th. Do not dig for a deep meanings here — just relax. There is an unoffocial beta GNU/Linux port. The program crashes during resolution changing but after the next run works fine. Linux port does not support cloud saves. Works fine on Ubuntu 16.04 (Intel® HD Graphics 4400) in a window mode.

Review by EUPOLEMOS [user]
21 noiembrie 2019

This game surprised me in a good day. As a fellow JRPG developer I have played and tested hundreds of JRPGs. The quality of Cosmic StarThis game surprised me in a good day. As a fellow JRPG developer I have played and tested hundreds of JRPGs. The quality of Cosmic Star Heroine is above the charts. I didn't encounter any bug from start to finish. I guess it was an early release problem. The graphics give the nostalgic feeling of the gold era of SNES, the combat system is unique and interesting and the music is really nice! Also the level design is superb and I like that there are no random encounters in the game. Certainly a project of love and hard work Cosmic Star Heroine deserves a spot at the pantheon of all time great JRPGs!

Review by Nhale [user]
15 ianuarie 2018

Seeing so few reviews about this game is really sad! I must say, it's not the best game possible, it has some nasty bugs and twice it crashedSeeing so few reviews about this game is really sad! I must say, it's not the best game possible, it has some nasty bugs and twice it crashed when i played it, but I truly think this is a wonderful game, it has likable characters, with different and unique playstyles. The soundtrack is amazing, really immersive. The art is retro and really when done. The battle system goes by turns , has its own gimmicks and is enjoyable, but can became quite repetitive as you play, also, it can become really easy as you learn how to do better combos with your pc. As for the game story, i must say it's not a strong point in the game, but it's pretty solid and not bad at all.I think i spent about 60hrs on this game and it was a very good work!

Review by RPG Site
5 iunie 2017

When Zeboyd Games initially took the idea of Cosmic Star Heroine to kickstarter, they knew they were in it for the long haul. About 4 years have passed since then and a lot about the games industry has changed. Retro throwbacks are even less novel now than they were in 2013, but all the same, I think the studio has succeeded in all that they set out to do. The game has a fantastic combat system, feels distinct from its peers, and never leans on nostalgia too much. If you’re looking for a fun space adventure that’ll remind you of the JRPGs of the 16-bit era, you’d be hard-pressed to find a more fitting experience than Cosmic Star Heroine.

Review by RPGamer
26 mai 2017

So, in the final analysis, we have a game that works hard to be more than the sum of its parts, which is especially important when one of those parts isn't up to par with the industry of today. The result is a package that would have wowed audiences twenty-five years ago, and which holds up decently (but not spectacularly) today. Since Zeboyd Games has shown itself capable of learning and growing from every experience in game design, its next game will hopefully be twice the level of awesome.

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Informații despre joc
Data lansării 11 aprilie 2017
Editor Zeboyd Games, Limited Run Games
Conținut evaluat T (Teen)
Moduri de joc Un singur jucător
Perspective ale jucătorilor Vedere de pasăre / Isometric
Genuri Joc de rol (RPG), Aventură, Indie
Teme Științifico-fantastic, Fantezie
Platforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia