
Ostatnia wielka ludzka osada istnieje w bezlitosnym, zainfekowanym świecie. Wyjątkowa zwinność i umiejętności bojowe sprawiają, że jesteś potężnym sojusznikiem i cennym towarem. Dzięki swoim wyjątkowym umiejętnościom masz moc, by być agentem zmian w tej niszczejącej metropolii.


ją mądrze.


Minęło 15 lat, odkąd ludzkość przegrała z wirusem


Ostatnia wielka ludzka osada istnieje w bezlitosnym, zainfekowanym świecie, pogrążonym w nowoczesnym mrocznym wieku. W ciągu dnia bandyci, frakcje i głodujący ocalali wędrują po ulicach, szukając resztek - lub kogoś, kto je odbierze, w razie potrzeby przemocą. W nocy zarażeni wędrują swobodnie, ewakuując się ze swoich ciemnych kryjówek, by żerować na żywych.

Jesteś Aidenem Caldwellem, zarażonym ocalałym. Twoja wyjątkowa zwinność i brutalne umiejętności walki sprawiają, że jesteś potężnym sojusznikiem i cennym towarem w tym niebezpiecznym świecie. Możesz osiągnąć rzeczy, których nikt inny nie potrafi. Wejść do miejsc, do których nikt inny się nie odważy. Dzięki swoim wyjątkowym umiejętnościom masz moc, by być agentem zmian w tej niszczejącej metropolii.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human Instrucțiuni de activare

Dying Light 2: Stay Human Recenzii și evaluări

Review by Aceospades97 [user]
8 maja 2022

Dying Light 2 brings shame to the good name of Dying Light, as Dying Light 1 was one of my personal favorite games with some of the bestDying Light 2 brings shame to the good name of Dying Light, as Dying Light 1 was one of my personal favorite games with some of the best gameplay and weapons. Somehow Techland managed to downgrade the game, by releasing a product thats obviously unfinished, with bugs and glitches making the game unplayable, either its all characters and textures becoming grey, the infamous audio bug, dialogue skipping itself, I literally didn't experience one normal cutscene in the game, Let alone the game breaking bugs that eould literally have you restart the game. The story is so weak, badly written and the whole post apocalyptic setting feels extremely boring and unneeded, just because the last of us did it dont mean you have to as well. I replayed DL1 over 4 times over how much i loved it. But this here feels like a chore to finish only once. I honestly hope they fix it but i don't think its fixable and i sure hope DL2 doesn't kill the Dying Light IP because i wanna see Techland do better

Review by Anklefocker [user]
6 maja 2022

It's better and worse than the 1st game. Parkour is more fun, story is better, combat abilities are better, but the bugs and glitches make theIt's better and worse than the 1st game. Parkour is more fun, story is better, combat abilities are better, but the bugs and glitches make the game nearly unplayable. While fighting enemies the game randomly lags while doing parkour attacks. Enemies are sometimes grey skinned mannequin looking things. Enemies will freeze in place for several seconds after you hit them then re appear and get a free hit on you, story dialogue is often muted. Sometimes I'll do several parkour jumps, rolls, falls etc.. with no sfx at all. Then roughly 20 seconds later I'll hear all the sounds that were supposed to play earlier while my character is just standing there. I'm currently on the final story mission and its skipping entire cutscenes.. Techland should be embarrassed

Review by IGN Brasil
7 kwietnia 2022

Dying Light 2 Stay Human could very likely become the stellar zombie survival adventure it should someday be, provided the bugs are finally wiped out. Its excellent parkour is an amazing way to explore this giant open world of the last tough city, and the post-apocalyptic stories of its many strange and distinctive characters are a must-see. Our bet? If its developers bring us a DLC with a really interesting story (or that solves this ending that we can't swallow), then we'll have the perfect zombie game.

Review by RPG Fan
28 marca 2022

Despite all my complaints, I initially had fun with Dying Light 2. The first quarter of the game was engaging. I think if the rest of the game played like this, I would have way more positive things to say, but the fact is that it’s just not done. This is clearly an unfinished game mired in mismanagement. I don’t blame the developers at all; the leaders and executives behind this work are responsible. What works here is clean and well done, albeit with some boring AAA niceties. After the first quarter or so, though, the game absolutely falls apart in almost every respect. I’m sad for what was produced here, but if I’m being honest, I’m more sad that I invested nearly thirty hours of my own time into this. Don’t make the same mistake I did.

Review by RPGamer
2 marca 2022

Dying Light 2 is a delightfully fast paced game, which has a few persistent issues bogging it down. Most issues have already started getting fixed, such as the audio bugs and auto save issues, but enemies being frozen in place and some quests having NPCs make odd choices still drags it down a bit. Still, even on the older console the game runs pretty great and load times are surprisingly not noticeable. The main story ramps up well with characters that matter and moments that vary from harrowing escapes to fun fights. Every moment of parkour is a treat, and combat does just well enough to stay out of the way, with a day/night cycle that varies, meaning there’s always something new to do. Here’s hoping those issues continue to get ironed out and leave the game to be what it’s best at, a harrowing fast-paced survival RPG with plenty to explore and loot.

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Informații despre joc
Data lansării 3 lutego 2022
Editor Techland Publishing, Techland, Spike ChunSoft
Conținut evaluat M (Mature)
Moduri de joc Un singur jucător, Multiplayer, Cooperativă
Perspective ale jucătorilor Prima persoană
Genuri Joc de rol (RPG), Aventură
Teme Supraviețuire, Horror, Acțiune, Lumea deschisă
Platforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S