Dark Souls III

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În timp ce focurile se sting și lumea se prăbușește în ruină, dezvoltatorul FROMSOFTWARE și regizorul Hidetaka Miyazaki continuă seria lor aclamată de critică și care definește genul cu Dark Souls III


Atât fanii, cât și nou-veniții se vor pierde în gameplay-ul recompensator caracteristic jocurilor și în grafica imersivă. Acum au mai rămas doar niște rămășițe...

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Dark Souls III Recenzii și evaluări

Review by Reissyroot15 [user]
May 4, 2022

love this game i'm yet to play the dlc but i can say with my whole heart that this is a great game and if you love dark souls or elden ringlove this game i'm yet to play the dlc but i can say with my whole heart that this is a great game and if you love dark souls or elden ring you should play this game, its a fun yet hard challenge

Review by Wulati736 [user]
April 27, 2022


Review by TheSaberOfXebec [user]
September 16, 2021

One of the best ending to any gaming franchises I've ever seen its sadly lacks the inerconnectivity that the first game has but it makes upOne of the best ending to any gaming franchises I've ever seen its sadly lacks the inerconnectivity that the first game has but it makes up for it in its boss fights.

Review by Primebear [user]
April 12, 2021

Great gameplay, great level design.Fromsoft told me that if you do it all the way, you can do it.The play after the second round is alsoGreat gameplay, great level design.Fromsoft told me that if you do it all the way, you can do it.The play after the second round is also excellently prepared. But I'm not happy with the trophies that need multiplayer.

Review by SwitchReview [user]
June 3, 2020

Was not expecting to get as engrossed in the game as I did. After spending 2 hours on abyss watchers on my first play-through, I was startingWas not expecting to get as engrossed in the game as I did. After spending 2 hours on abyss watchers on my first play-through, I was starting to regret picking this game up. I then made a new character and this time carefully traversed through each area, making sure to explore everything. This game ended up being one of the most satisfying and rewarding experiences I've played in a while.

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Informații despre joc
Data lansării 24 martie 2016
Editor Bandai Namco Entertainment, FromSoftware
Evaluare totală 87%
Conținut evaluat M (Mature)
Moduri de joc Un singur jucător, Multiplayer, Cooperativă
Perspective ale jucătorilor A treia persoană
Genuri Joc de rol (RPG), Aventură
Teme Acțiune, Fantezie
Platforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One