7 Days to Die

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Building on survivalist and horror themes, players in 7 Days to Die can scavenge the abandoned cities of the buildable and destructable voxel world for supplies or explore the wilderness to gather raw materials to build their own tools, weapons, traps, fortifications and shelters. The horror (zombies) element makes up a large part of the game, including building and the fully destructible (voxel) environment - everything is built from blocks, similar to Minecraft, yet creating a very smooth look.

With steady updates (but slow, avg. 2 major updates / year, with several minor ones in-between, mostly bug fixes) the game has steadily advanced and continues to advance in terms of graphics but even more so and more importantly, gameplay, having changed from being a mostly simple shooter and focused on elaborate crafting (changed with Alpha 12), to a full RPG experience, with Alpha 15 having introduced NPCs (traders only) and an extensive skill system and Alpha 17 introduced this as a categorized (traits-like) system.

The game now also has an extensive traps, automated turrets via an electricity tier, plus a whole assortment of usable single- and multi-seating vehicles (manual and motor bikes, cars, gyrocopter) introduced in Alpha 17.

The game can be played single-player (SP), multi-player (MP), co-op / PvE and PvP; game servers can be run either via the game client, or as a dedicated server with extensive configurability and number of modifications possible, including custom blocks and sounds, plus an event system, which created an active "modding" community and allows to experience the game in many different ways that were initially not intended.


* As of this writing, a full story has not been implemented yet (Early Access / Alpha development status), this is preliminary. *

You awaken with only a bare minimum of clothes on you, some canned food, glass of water and only your bare knuckles to defend yourself - time to get creative by scavenging for rocks, wood, plant fiber and bones, to make primitive tools (stone axe, stone shovel, shiv), basic weapons (wooden club, bow and arrows) and simple clothing made from plants and a sleeping bag. Venture the lands to find weapons, building resources and cooking tools, hunt and gather for food, process down hide into leather and start making a forge and start crafting metal objects.

How this will play out in the long run is up to you - survive and even thrive, or perish at the infested claws and teeth of the undead, but also harsh environment can be your demise.

Beware of the 7th night though, with the blood moon shining the undead will rise in masses and will be stronger, faster and more aggressive. Make haste, prepare for this event so you can survive, rebuild, expand and survive another week!

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7 Days to Die Recenzii și evaluări

Review by GarbageGal [user]
May 13, 2021

This game is one of my favorites, and I have a collective time playing it of over 700 hours and still climbing. At first glance, it seemsThis game is one of my favorites, and I have a collective time playing it of over 700 hours and still climbing. At first glance, it seems generic, even bad to some. Its graphics are still a bit rough, but even they are still improving with each update. It has an addicting gameplay loop and has a wonderful community backing it. It's a fun first person zombie survival game with base building and even some level of tower defense. It has a learning curve, but it's worth putting in the effort to get past it.

Review by alexhemington [user]
March 12, 2021

After a hard day at work, playing this game just brightens up my mind. Play it with friends and things get even more enticing. Just amazing game!

Review by aarone2 [user]
August 18, 2020

This game was actually pretty fun to play with friends, but it is neglected and very glitchy. The developers left the game to die on console.This game was actually pretty fun to play with friends, but it is neglected and very glitchy. The developers left the game to die on console. They don’t update it at all anymore. The survival, exploration and crafting system are pretty good. The worst part are the graphics and glitches. I lost 1/2 of my items because my chest was outside of the “place land block” region. The game never said what this block did, so I just randomly placed it down. Overall fun game, but glitches like that really kill the experience.

Review by Maniac1952 [user]
April 13, 2018

The games itself is fun to play and can be challenging. Problem is that with the 3 times my son and I have played we get so far into the gameThe games itself is fun to play and can be challenging. Problem is that with the 3 times my son and I have played we get so far into the game (usually the 4th to 6th week) and the program crashes and wipes out a portion OR ALL of what has been developed. Now that the resources have been gathered and depleted it is almost impossible to reclaim what was lost (guns, minibikes, ammo and the chem and work stations). If that isn't bad enough, it will randomly kick the 2nd player or the host which kicks everyone. This game isn't worth the $30.00 paid for it.

Review by dasbo [user]
November 26, 2017

Literally unplayable, not worth a dollar.Constant framerate issues, below 25 FPS at all times I would say, lame graphics, lame gameplay,Literally unplayable, not worth a dollar.Constant framerate issues, below 25 FPS at all times I would say, lame graphics, lame gameplay, lame everything, I can't even say if the game is good or not due to the poor framerate causing me motion sickness.

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Informații despre joc
Data lansării December 13, 2013
Editor The Fun Pimps Entertainment LLC, Telltale Games, Iron Galaxy Studios
Conținut evaluat M (Mature)
Moduri de joc Un singur jucător, Multiplayer, Cooperativă, Ecran divizat
Perspective ale jucătorilor A treia persoană, Prima persoană, Realitatea virtuală
Genuri Joc de rol (RPG), Aventură, Trăgător, Indie, Simulator, Strategie
Teme Supraviețuire, Horror, Acțiune, Lumea deschisă, Sandbox
Platforme Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One