Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

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Black Ops Cold War îi va arunca pe fani în adâncurile bătăliei geopolitice volatile a Războiului Rece de la începutul anilor 1980. Nimic nu este niciodată așa cum pare în campania captivantă pentru un singur jucător, în care jucătorii se vor afla față în față cu figuri istorice și adevăruri dure, în timp ce luptă în jurul globului prin locuri emblematice precum Berlinul de Est, Vietnamul, Turcia, sediul KGB-ului sovietic și multe altele.

În calitate de agenți de elită, veți merge pe urmele unui personaj din umbră numit Perseus, care are misiunea de a destabiliza echilibrul global al puterii și de a schimba cursul istoriei. Coboară în centrul întunecat al acestei conspirații globale alături de personajele iconice Woods, Mason și Hudson și de o nouă distribuție de agenți care încearcă să oprească un complot care se pregătește de zeci de ani.

Dincolo de campanie, jucătorii vor aduce un arsenal de arme și echipamente din Războiul Rece în următoarea generație de experiențe Multiplayer și Zombies.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Recenzii și evaluări

Review by Bad_Reviewer [user]
January 7, 2022

This game has a solid story and zombies, but the multiplayer is kind of a mess. The bugs from the launch still haunt me to this day.

Review by CipherzGamingYT [user]
November 22, 2021

To quote AusGamers, "Like Treyarch before them, it feels like Cold War is Raven’s break-free moment, and their “love letter” readsTo quote AusGamers, "Like Treyarch before them, it feels like Cold War is Raven’s break-free moment, and their “love letter” reads passionately and completely with this Black Ops entry." (November 13th, 2020)Black Ops Cold War is a very solid game that you should pick up, especially between the enthralling campaign, the ever-expanding zombies mode, and the competitive-yet-cooperative multiplayer. The campaign takes place after Black Ops and before II, where you are "Bell". You work with Russell Adler and other characters to take down Perseus, one of the mythical people from the Cold War. The multiplayer now has many weapons to choose from, and has great maps that are fun to play on, explore, and even find finer details. The zombies kicks off after the end of Tag Der Toten from Black Ops IIII, where certain Aether characters had died. The plot is in the 1980's, where the Dark Aether is spilling into reality, and you must combat the threat before it's too late. Maps ranging from "Die Machine" to "Outbreak", to even "Forsaken", the zombies will be continuing with a new chapter of life, not to even mention the returning perks, most notably PHD Flopper, renamed to PHD Slider.In conclusion, BOCW is a game for Xbox, PS4, PC, whatever you play on, that you should pick up regardless of what you hear. The game is great, and is better than some past Call of Duties in some regard. It is well worth the price, especially if you're a long time fan, or a brand new one.

Review by Slakish [user]
October 30, 2021

The round starts, someone comes around the corner with the Shotgun Pistol, Aimt doesn't press once and you're dead. You respawn right in frontThe round starts, someone comes around the corner with the Shotgun Pistol, Aimt doesn't press once and you're dead. You respawn right in front of an enemy who shoots you in the back. The game is just no fun. Don't buy it!

Review by LilTopi [user]
September 4, 2021

One of the better CoD campaigns, nothing to complain with the multiplayer, Zombies is back better than ever, all post launch content is free.One of the better CoD campaigns, nothing to complain with the multiplayer, Zombies is back better than ever, all post launch content is free. There Is literally no reason for people to hate on this one.

Review by worldcollapse [user]
July 12, 2021

Matchmaking is really bad, hit points are really off, but the worst is spawn system, spawn kills happens every match. At this point this gameMatchmaking is really bad, hit points are really off, but the worst is spawn system, spawn kills happens every match. At this point this game is just irritating, not fun at all.

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Informații despre joc
Data lansării 13 noiembrie 2020
Editor Activision, Treyarch, Raven Software, Sledgehammer Games, Beenox, High Moon Studios, Activision Shanghai, Demonware
Conținut evaluat M (Mature)
Moduri de joc Un singur jucător, Multiplayer, Cooperativă, Ecran divizat
Perspective ale jucătorilor Prima persoană
Genuri Trăgător
Teme Acțiune, Războiul
Platforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S